Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How Machine Learning Aids New Software Product Development

Developing new software products has always been a challenge. The traditional product management processes for developing new products takes lot more time/resources and cannot meet needs of all users. With new Machine Learning tools and technologies, one can augment traditional product management with data analysis and automated learning systems and tests.

Traditional New Product Development process can be broken into 5 main steps:

1. Understand
2. Define
3. Ideate
4. Prototype
5. Test

In each of the five steps, one can use data analysis & ML techniques to accelerate the process and improve the outcomes. With Machine Learning, the new 5 step program becomes:

  1. Understand – Analyze:Understand User RequirementsAnalyze user needs from user data. In case of Web Apps, one can collect huge amounts of user data from Social networks, digital surveys, email campaigns, etc.
  2. Define – Synthesize: Defining user needs & user personas can be enhanced by synthesizing user's behavioral models based on data analysis.
  3. Ideate – Prioritize: Developing product ideas and prioritizing them becomes lot faster and more accurate with data analysis on customer preferences.
  4. Prototype – Tuning: Prototypes demonstrate basic functionality and these prototypes can be rapidly, automatically tuned to meet each customer needs. This aids in meeting needs of multiple customer segments.Machine Learning based Auto-tuning of software allows for rapid experimentation and data collected in this phase can help the next stage.

  5. Test – Validate: Prototypes are tested for user feedback. ML systems can receive feedback and analyze results for product validation and model validation. In addition, ML systems can auto-tune, auto configure products to better fit customer needs and re-test the prototypes.

Closing Thoughts

For a long time, product managers had to rely on their understanding of user needs. Real user data was difficult to collect and product managers had to rely on surveys and market analysis and other secondary sources for data. But in the digital world, one can collect vast volumes of data, and use data analysis tools and Machine learning to accelerate new software product development process and also improve success rates.

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