Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Software Architecture for Cloud Native Apps

Microservices are a type of software architecture where large applications are made up of small, self-contained units working together through APIs that are not dependent on a specific language. Each service has a limited scope, concentrates on a particular task and is highly independent. This setup allows IT managers and developers to build systems in a modular way. 

Microservices are small, focused components built to do a single thing very well.

Microservices are independent units that are easily replaced or upgraded. The units use services to communicate with things like remote procedure or web service requests.

Business capabilities: 
Legacy application development often splits teams into areas like the "server-side team" and the "database team." Microservices development is built around business capability, with responsibility for a complete stack of functions such as UX and project management.

Products rather than projects:
Instead of focusing on a software project that is delivered following completion, microservices treat applications as products of which they take ownership. They establish an ongoing dialogue with a goal of continually matching the app to the business function.

Dumb pipes, smart endpoints: 
Microservice applications contain their own logic. Resources that are often used are cached easily.Decentralized governance: Tools are built and shared to handle similar problems on other teams.

Problems microservices solve

Larger organizations run into problems when monolithic architectures cannot be scaled, upgraded or maintained easily as they grow over time.

Microservices architecture is an answer to that problem. It is a software architecture where complex tasks are broken down into small processes that operate independently and communicate through language-agnostic APIs.

Monolithic applications are made up of a user interface on the client, an application on the server, and a database. The application processes HTTP requests, gets information from the database, and sends it to the browser. Microservices handle HTTP request response with APIs and messaging. They respond with JSON/XML or HTML sent to the presentation components.

Microservices proponents rebel against enforced standards of architecture groups in large organizations but enthusiastically engage with open formats like HTTP, ATOM and others.As applications get bigger, intricate dependencies and connections grow. Whether youare talking about monolithic architecture or smaller units, microservices let you splitthings up into components. This allows horizontal scaling, which makes it much easier tomanage and maintain separate components.The relationship of microservices to DevOpsIncorporating new technology is just part of the challenge. Perhaps a greater obstacle is developing a new culture that encourages risk-taking and taking responsibility for an entire project "from cradle to crypt."

Developers used to legacy systems may experience culture shock when they are given more autonomy than ever before. Communicating clear expectations for accountability and performance of each team member is vital. DevOps is critical in determining where and when microservices should be utilized. It is an important decision because trying to combine microservices with bloated, monolithic legacy systems may not always work. Changes cannot be made fast enough. With microservices, services are continually being developed and refined on-the-fly.

DevOps must ensure updated components are put into production, working closely with internal stakeholders and suppliers to incorporate updates. Microservices are an easier solution than SOA, much like JSON was considered to be simpler than XML and people viewed REST as simpler than SOAP.

With Microservices, we are moving toward systems that are easier to build, deploy and understand. 

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